HUB4U.S. teams are attentive to their client. In all circumstances, they will exchange with the Head of the Company and gather his/her opinion on major decisions.
HUB4US is at its clients’ service. It shows complete impartiality and cares to avoid any conflict of interest.
HUB4U.S and its teams spend all their time carrying out the mandate entrusted to them.
HUB4U.S. makes sure that its level of expertise and knowledge enables it to meet its clients’ needs and that it is capable of acting in accordance with the present Charter; furthermore, HUB4US commits to adapt its practice and continuously improve its level of competence.
HUB4U.S. agrees to maintain the confidentiality of information obtained from the client or coming to its knowledge in the execution of the mandate.
Related to the French law firm Odinot & Associés, HUB4U.S., while continuing to carry out the project, undertakes to entrust part of its mandate to Odinot & Associés after consulting its client and with its consent, if such delegation proves necessary to ensure the total confidentiality of certain information or discussions with third parties.